> Celebrating Christmas in a Muslim-Majority Country - The Blue Of Indonesia

Celebrating Christmas in a Muslim-Majority Country

Celebrating Christmas in a Muslim-Majority Country

December is a month of joy for Christians around the world.
It is a month full of joy because it is the perfect time to gather with family and celebrate Christmas with family and friends.

Christmas Celebrations in Indonesia

As a country with the largest Muslim majority in the world, does Indonesia also celebrate Christmas?
Of course, even though Indonesia is a country with Muslims as the majority, there are people from several other religions, so of course, Christians can freely celebrate Christmas and worship at church.

Other Religions Besides Islam in Indonesia

In addition to Islam as the majority religion in Indonesia, 5 other religions are also recognized and protected by the Indonesian state and government.
The 5 non-Islamic religions are Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.
All followers of these non-Islamic religions are free to worship and celebrate their respective religious holidays.

Christian-Majority Provinces in Indonesia

Although Indonesia is known as a Muslim-majority country, there are several provinces or regions where the majority of the population is Christian.
This is because Indonesia consists of a series of islands called the Archipelago
Some of the provinces with a majority Christian population are North Sumatra, North Sulawesi, Maluku or what people call it Ambon, East Nusa Tenggara and Papua.
And in addition as a non-Muslim majority area is the island of Bali where the majority of the population is Hindu.

Do You Want to Celebrating Christmas in Indonesia?

So what if a Christian tourist wants to celebrate Christmas in Indonesia? Should they visit an island or province with a Christian majority?
Of course not, because Indonesia’s population is a mix of ethnicities and religions,
If you happen to be on the island of Java then you can celebrate Christmas on the island of Java wherever it is because in West Java, Central Java, and East Java there are many Christians and they all celebrate Christmas freely.

Is it safe to celebrate Christmas in Indonesia?

So far, celebrating Christmas in Indonesia is safe even though a few years ago there was a terror attack from a radical Muslim group that had a hard opinion but the Indonesian government quickly anticipated it.
Most Muslims in Indonesia have a high tolerance towards people of other religions.
The Indonesian government is also very firm and vigorous in hunting down these terrorists and has arrested many perpetrators of violence in the name of Islam.
So for those of you foreign tourists who want to visit Indonesia in December and at the same time want to celebrate Christmas in Indonesia, you don’t need to worry.
there are many festivities and joys that you can enjoy
so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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